MA IN Psychology MAPC
Term-End Examination
June 2011
MPC 002: Life Span Psychology
Time: 2hrs Marks 50Term-End Examination
June 2011
MPC 002: Life Span Psychology
Note :
i. Answer any five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks
iii. Answer each question in about 500 words
1. Discuss Lifespan perspectives. Highlight the main issues in life span development 5+5
2. Discuss the features of prenatal period. Elaborate the main stages of prenatal development 5+5
3. Discuss briefly Piaget’s concept of cognitive development in children between 6-11yrs 10
4. Discuss social development of children between 6-11yrs.
5. What are the main symptoms of Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder? Suggest methods for identification and its management. 2+3+5
6. Describe the physical and cognitive changes in adolescence. 10
7. Discuss cognitive changes taking place in middle adulthood period. 10
8. Discuss ageing process. Describe the differences in ageing process in male and females 5+5
9. Discuss the theories of psychosocial changes during early adulthood. 10
10. Write short notes on any two of the following :
a. Identity in adolescence.
b. Self-Esteem in adolescence.
c. Physical changes and development in early childhood.